LFCS Exam Study Guide (Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator)


How to Prepare for the LFCS Exam?

Preparing for the LFCS Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator Certificate exam? Don’t know where to start? This post is the LFCS Certificate Study Guide (with links to each exam objective).

I have curated a list of articles from the Internet for each objective of the LFCS exam. I hope this article will help you to achieve the LFCS Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator Certification. Also, please share the post within your circles so it helps them to prepare for the exam.

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LFCS Linux Foundation Cert. Sys Admin Course

LinkedIn Learning (Free Trial)Become a Linux System Administrator
PluralsightLinux System Administrator [Learning Path]
UdemyLinux Certification Administrator Preparation
Linux FoundationEssentials of Linux System Administration

LFCS Linux Foundation System Admin Test

Udemy Practice TestLinux Foundation Sys Admin. Practice Test
Amazon e-book (PDF)Linux Foundation Sys Admin Practice Qs
Linux Foundation BootcampCloud Engineer Bootcamp [24 weeks]

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Essential Commands – 25%

Log into local & remote graphical and text mode consoles

Logging in & sessions in Unix

Search for files

Search files from the Linux Command Line

Find files in Linux using the Command Line

Evaluate and compare the basic file system features and options

Linux file system

Understanding Linux filesystems: ext4 and beyond

Compare and manipulate file content

Guide to Useful File Manipulation Commands

Learn by doing with A Cloud Guru

Use input-output redirection (e.g. >, >>, |, 2>)

Input-Output Redirection in Linux

Analyze a text using basic regular expressions

Regular Expression in grep

Archive, backup, compress, unpack, and uncompress files

Archive, compress, unpack, & uncompress files

How to archive files and directories in Linux

How to backup files in Linux with Rsync on the command line?

Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories

Create, delete, copy, and move files & directories.

Create and manage hard and soft links

The difference between Linux hard and soft links

Soft and Hard links in Unix/Linux

List, set, and change standard file permissions

Set the default permissions for newly created files

File permissions in Linux/UNIX: How to read/write & change?

Read, and use system documentation

Linux command-line for beginners

The Linux man-pages project

Manage access to the root account

A Root user account in Linux

Operation of Running Systems – 20%

Boot, reboot, and shut down a system safely

RHEL7: Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally

Boot or change system into different operating modes

Linux Guide/Operating modes

Linux Runlevels Explained

How to change to single-user mode?

Linux changing run levels

Install, configure and troubleshoot bootloaders

How to manually install the boot loader?

The Debian Administrator’s Handbook

Diagnose and manage processes

Linux kernel creates, manages & deletes the processes in the system

Linux/Unix Process Management

Locate and analyze system log files

Linux Log Files Location

What is Linux Logs?

Schedule tasks to run at a set date and time

How to Schedule Tasks on Linux?

Scheduling tasks on Linux using the at the command

Verify completion of scheduled jobs

How to check if a cron job has run?

Update software to provide required functionality and security

Linux 101: Updating your system

Verify the integrity and availability of resources

How to check if system RAM is faulty in Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

Checking the integrity of a file system

How to check for errors in RAM via Linux?

Verify the integrity and availability of key processes

How to use htop to monitor Linux System Processes?

How to view running processes on Linux?

Change kernel runtime parameters, persistent and non-persistent

Changing kernel runtime parameters in a persistent & non-persistent way

Use scripting to automate system maintenance tasks

Using shell scripting to automate Linux system maintenance tasks

Manage the startup process and services (In Services Configuration)

Enable/disable services on boot in Linux: chkconfig & systemctl

Manage system startup & boot processes on Linux with upstart

List and identify SELinux/AppArmor file and process contexts

SELinux/Tutorials/Controlling file contexts yourself

SELinux contexts for processes

AppArmor and file context

Manage Software

Linux software management

Identify the component of a Linux distribution that a file belongs to

How to find the package that provides a specific file in Linux?

LFCS Linux administration

Amazon link (affiliate)

User and Group Management – 10%

Create, delete, and modify local user accounts

SYS: Create, delete & modify local user accounts.

Create, delete, and modify local groups and group memberships

RHEL 7 – RHCSA Notes

Manage system-wide environment profiles

Set and unset local, user & system-wide environment variables in Linux

Manage template user environment

Directory in Linux: /etc/skel

Understanding the /etc/skel directory in Linux

Configure user resource limits

How to set limits on user running processes in Linux?

Manage user privileges

Permissions in Linux

How to use the Linux access control table?

Configure PAM

How to Configure and Use PAM in Linux?

Networking – 12%

Configure networking and hostname resolution statically or dynamically

How to configure networking in Linux?

The Debian Administrator’s Handbook

Hostname resolution of Linux machines with static IP

Configure network services to start automatically at boot

How to configure network services to auto-start on boot?

Implement packet filtering

What is a Packet filter?

Start, stop and check the status of network services

RHEL7: Start, stop, and check the status of network services

Check running services on Linux

Statically route IP traffic

Routing IP Traffic on Linux

Synchronize time using other network peers

Set time, timezone & synchronize system clock using timedatectl

Service Configuration – 20%

Configure a caching DNS server

Setup a local DNS Caching Server on Linux

Maintain a DNS zone

What is a DNS ZONE file?

Configure email aliases

How do I make email aliases work?

How to set up an email alias in Red Hat Linux?

Configure SSH servers and clients

SSH essentials: working with SSH servers, clients, and keys

Restrict access to the HTTP proxy server

Configuring Squid proxy server with restricted access

Restrict the access to specific websites using Squid proxy server

Configure an IMAP and IMAPS service

Install and configure Dovecot on CentOS

Configure a POP3 / IMAP mail server with Dovecot on Ubuntu 18.04

Query and modify the behavior of system services at various operating modes

How to use systemctl to manage systemd services and units?

How to manage ‘systemd’ services and units using ‘systemctl’ in Linux?

Configure an HTTP server

How to configure an Apache webserver?

Configure HTTP server log files

Apache HTTP Server

Configure a database server

Configure MySQL database server

Restrict access to a web page

How to restrict access to web pages?

Manage and configure containers

What are Linux containers?

Setup web server over docker container in Linux

Manage and configure Virtual Machines

Create and run virtual machines with virt-manager

Storage Management – 13%

List, create, delete, and modify physical storage partitions

RHEL7: List, create, delete partitions on MBR and GPT disks

Manage and configure LVM storage

Linux user’s guide to logical volume management

How to configure LVM in Linux?

Create and configure encrypted storage

How to Linux hard disk encryption with LUKS?

Configuring LUKS: Linux Unified Key Setup

Configure systems to mount file systems at or during boot

Understanding the /etc/fstab file in Linux

Mounting file systems automatically with /etc/fstab

Configure and manage swap space

An introduction to swap space on Linux systems

Create and manage RAID devices

RAID setup

Managing RAID on Linux by Derek Vadala

Configure systems to mount file systems on demand

Mounting file systems on demand

LinkedIn video on ‘Mounting file systems on-demand

Create, manage and diagnose advanced file system permissions

Advanced file permissions in Linux

Set up user and group disk quotas for filesystems

5 Steps to Setup User and Group Disk Quota on UNIX / Linux

Create and configure file systems

How to create and mount filesystems in Linux?

This brings us to the end of the LFCS Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator study guide.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments section if I have missed out on anything. Also, I love to hear from you about how your preparation is going on!

In case you are preparing for other Linux certification exams, check out the Linux study guides for those exams.

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