FINOS Financial Services Certified Open Source Developer (FSOSD) Study Guide

finos fsosd exam study guide

How to Prepare for the FINOS FSOSD Exam?

Preparing for the FINOS Financial Services Certified Open Source Developer (FSOSD) certification exam? Don’t know where to start? This post is the FINOS FSOSD Study Guide (with links to each exam objective).

I have curated a list of articles from the Internet for each objective of the FINOS Financial Services Certified Open Source Developer (FSOSD) exam. I hope this article will help you to achieve the FINOS Financial Services Certified Open Source Developer (FSOSD) Certification. Also, please share the post within your circles so it helps them to prepare for the exam.


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Ethics and Behavior 10%

Understanding escalation paths

Understanding Escalation Management: What Is It and How Can You Do It?

Engaging with open-source communities

Navigating Open Source: A Guide to Effective Community Engagement

Participating in Open Source Communities

Open Source Licensing 18%

Comply with open-source license obligations

How to Ensure Open Source License Compliance in Your Business?

Understanding implications of Unlicensed Software

The risks of using unlicensed software

How Unlicensed Business Software Can Hurt Your Company

The Consequences of Unlicensed Software Use in Finance

Understanding copyrights and licenses

What is a Software Copyright?

What is Software Licensing?

Understanding Contributor License Agreements (CLA) and Developer Certificate of Origins (DCO)

Contributor License Agreement

What is a Contributor License Agreement?

What is a Developer Certificate of Origin?

Developer Certificate of Origin

Consuming Open Source 26%

Understanding the Software Supply Chain

Software supply chain

Software supply chain: What it is and how to keep it secure?

Evaluate and maintain code dependencies

How to evaluate dependencies?

Keeping dependencies up-to-date

Identify software vulnerabilities

What is a Software Vulnerability?

How to identify security vulnerabilities within an application, impacts, and remediation?

Managing third-party applications and code

Managing third-party applications

Manage third-party models and runtime packages

Managing vulnerability, monitoring, and maintenance plans

What is Vulnerability Management?

What is Maintenance Management Software?

Understanding approval processes for using open-source software

Building An Open Source Approval System

Evaluate codebase risk

Codebase Risk | FINOS

What are the key areas to evaluate software on?

Contributing to Open Source 28%

Understanding the risks of contributing to Open Source, including Data Leakage Risk, Dependency Risk, and Operational Risk

Understanding the risks of OSS

What are the risks with open-source software?

Understand the benefits of contributing to open-source projects

The Benefits of Contributing to Open Source

Top 5 Reasons to Contribute to Open Source Project

Understanding ownership of copyright and Intellectual Property implications of contributing to open-source

Open Source and Intellectual Property: Navigating the Legal Landscape

Intellectual Property issues relating to Open-Source Software

Understand the importance of contribution approval processes

Understanding Approval Processes: A Detailed Guide

The Importance of a Spend Approval Processes for Your Business

Understand publication review processes

Software Review Procedures

Publication Processes | FINOS

Understanding the differences and limitations between Firm Projects, Personal Projects, and Open Source Projects

Why You Should Build Your Own Open-Source Project?

What are the Pros and Cons of Using Open Source Projects?

Understanding the role of an OSPO in an organization

Is it time for an OSPO in your organization?

Open Source Program Office Definition

Open Source Program Offices: The Primer on Organizational Structures, Roles and Responsibilities, and Challenges

Regulatory Impact on Open Source 18%

Understanding regulations around communication surveillance

Regulation | FINOS

Surveillance Processes | FINOS)

Understanding social media policies

How to Build a Social Media Policy in the Financial Industry

Understanding the compliance processes around open-source contribution

Open Source License Compliance 101

Open Source Compliance

Understanding IP regulations around data within a bank

Banking on Intellectual Property

This brings us to the end of the FINOS Financial Services Certified Open Source Developer (FSOSD) study guide.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments section if I have missed out on anything. Also, I love to hear from you about how your preparation is going on!

In case you are preparing for other DevOps certification exams, check out the DevOps certificate study guides for those exams.

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