PL-400 Exam Study Guide (Microsoft Power Platform Developer)

PL-400 Exam Study Guide (Microsoft Power Platform Developer)

How to Prepare for the PL-400 Exam?

Preparing for the PL-400 Microsoft Power Platform Developer Certificate exam? Don’t know where to start? This post is the PL-400 Certificate Study Guide (with links to each exam objective).

I have curated a list of articles from Microsoft documentation for each objective of the PL-400 exam. I hope this article will help you to achieve the PL-400 Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate Certification. Also, please share the post within your circles so it helps them to prepare for the exam.

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Create a Technical Design (10-15%)

Validate Requirements and Design Technical Architecture

Design and validate the technical architecture for a solution

Design phase: Planning a Power Apps project

Power Apps architectural design

Determining which type of app to make

Testing phase

Design authentication and authorization strategy

Get started with configuring your authentication

Implementing Role-based security in your Power Apps

Determine whether you can meet requirements with out-of-the-box functionality

Introducing the PowerApps Center of Excellence starter kit

Determine when to use Logic Apps versus Power Automate flows

Power Automate vs Logic Apps

Compare Microsoft Power Automate & Logic Apps

Determine when to use serverless computing, plug-ins, or Power Automate

Choose the right integration & automation service

Microsoft Flow vs Plugins

Determine when to build a virtual entity data source provider and when to use connectors

Get started with virtual entities

Overview of connectors for Power Apps

How to pass pl-400 Microsoft Power Platform developer exam

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Design Solution Components

Design a data model

Data modeling: Designing your data structure

Design Power Apps reusable components

Create a component for canvas apps

Design custom connectors

Create a custom connector from scratch

Custom connectors for canvas apps

Design server-side component

Power Apps for developers

Describe Power Platform Extensibility Points

Describe Power Virtual Agents extensibility points including Bot Framework skills and Power Automate flows

Extend Power Virtual Agents using Bot Framework Skills

Use Power Virtual Agents Connector to build Power Automate flows

Describe Power BI extensibility points including Power BI APIs, custom visuals, and embedding Power BI apps in websites and other applications

Introducing the Power BI APIs

Extend Power BI with custom visuals

Embed a report in a secure portal or website

Describe Power Apps portal extensibility points including CRUD APIs and custom styling

Web APIs for CRUD operations on Common Data Service entities

Extend Power Apps portals

Describe Web Resources and their uses

Web resources in model-driven apps

Configure Microsoft Dataverse (15-20%)

Configure Security to Support Development

Troubleshoot operational security issues

Security concepts in Microsoft Dataverse

Troubleshooting: Common user access issues

Create or update security roles and field-level security profiles

Get started with security roles in Dataverse

Field-level security to control access

Add teams or users to a field security profile to control access

Configure business units and teams

Create or edit business units

Assign a business unit to a different parent business

Manage teams

Implement Entities and Fields

Configure entity and entity options

Microsoft Dataverse entities

Create and manage tables in Dataverse

Configure fields

Create and manage fields within an entity in Dataverse

Configure relationships and types of behaviors

Table relationships

Create a relationship between tables

Implement Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

Create solutions and manage solution components

Create and update solutions

Work with solution components

Import and export solutions

Import solutions

Export solutions

Additional things to consider for import/export

Manage solution dependencies

Check for solution component dependencies

Dependency tracking for solution components

Create a package for deployment

Using the Package Deployer

Create packages for the Package Deployer tool

Automate deployments

Automate deployment using GitHub Actions for Power Platform

Implement source control for projects including solutions and code assets

Source control with solution files

Create and Configure Power Apps (15-20%)

Create Model-driven Apps

Configure a model-driven app

Build your first model-driven app from scratch

Configure forms

Create a model-driven app quick create forms

Configure views

Create a public or system model-driven app views

Configure visualizations

Create a visualization (chart)

Configure commands and buttons

Customize commands and the ribbon

Create Canvas Apps

Create and configure a canvas app

Create a canvas app from scratch using Microsoft Dataverse

Implement complex formulas to manage control events and properties

Get started with canvas-app formulas in Power Apps

Author an advanced formula in a canvas app in Power Apps

Configure a control in the formula bar

Analyze app usage by using App Insights

Analyze app telemetry using Application Insights

Instrument your canvas apps with Azure Application Insights

Log telemetry for your Apps using App Insights

Build reusable component libraries

Create a component library for canvas apps

Manage and Troubleshoot Apps

Troubleshoot app issues by using Monitor and other browser-based debugging tools

Introducing Monitor to debug apps & improve performance

Debugging canvas apps with Monitor

Use Monitor to troubleshoot model-driven app form behavior

Interpret results from App Checker and Solution Checker

PowerApps App checker results

Use Solution Checker to validate your model-driven apps

Identify and resolve connector and API errors

Troubleshooting Flow Custom Connectors

Handle errors from a PowerApps custom connector

Optimize app performance including pre-loading data and query delegation

Understand delegation in a canvas app

Performance considerations with PowerApps

Best practices to improve canvas app performance

Configure Business Process Automation (5-10%)

Configure Power Automate

Create and configure a flow

Get started with Power Automate

Create a cloud flow in Power Automate

Configure steps to use Dataverse connector actions and triggers

Dataverse Connector Actions

Dataverse Connector Triggers

Create an automated flow by using the Dataverse connector

Implement complex expressions in flow steps

Use expressions in conditions to check multiple values

Build more powerful conditions in flows

Implement error handling

Error handling steps in Power Automate

Advanced error handling with Power Automate

Troubleshoot flows by analyzing JSON responses from connectors

Troubleshooting Flows in Microsoft Power Automate

Implement Processes

Create and configure business process flows

Create a business process flow to standardize processes

Enhance business process flows with branching

Create and configure business rules

Create business rules to apply logic in a model-driven app

Define and create business rules in Dataverse

Create, manage, and interact with business process flows by using server-side and client-side code

Work with business process flows using code

Sample: Work with business process flows

Troubleshoot processes

Troubleshooting a cloud flow

Extend the User Experience (10-15%)

Apply Business Logic Using Client Scripting

Create JavaScript or TypeScript code that targets the XRM API

Client API Reference for model-driven apps

Apply business logic using client scripting using JS

Web API Functions and Actions Sample (Client-side JS)

Register an event handler

Configure model-driven app event handlers

Add event handler function to an event using code

Create client-side scripts that target the Dataverse Web API

Client-side JavaScript using Web API in model-driven apps

Web API Functions and Actions Sample (Client-side JS)

Create a Power Apps Component Framework (PCF) Component

Describe the PCF component lifecycle

Power Apps component framework overview

Understanding PCF and control lifecycle

Initialize a new PCF component

Create your first component

Create and build a code component

Configure a PCF component manifest

Implementing manifest

Implement the component interfaces

Unified Interface for everybody

Package, deploy, and consume the component

Package a code component

Deploying code components

Publish code components on AppSource

Configure and use PCF Device, Utility, and WebAPI features



Implementing Web API component


Test and debug PCF components by using the local test harness

Debug code components

Create a Command Button Function

Create commands

Button control in Power Apps

Design command button rules and actions

Customize commands and the ribbon

Define custom actions to modify the ribbon

Edit the command bar by using the Ribbon Workbench

Customize commands and the ribbon

Manage dependencies between JavaScript libraries

Web resource dependencies

Extend the platform (15-20%)

Create a Plug-in

Describe the plug-in execution pipeline

Event execution pipeline

Design and develop a plug-in

Write and register a plug-in

Debug and troubleshoot a plug-in

Debug Plug-ins

Troubleshoot plug-ins

Implement business logic by using pre and post images

Define entity images

Perform operations on data by using the Organization service API

Using the Organization Service

Use the Microsoft Dataverse Organization Service

Modify your code to use global Discovery Service

Optimize plug-in performance

Analyze plug-in performance

View plug-ins analytics in the dashboard

Register custom assemblies by using the Plug-in Registration Tool

Register a plug-in

Develop a plug-in that targets a custom action message

Use Workflow Custom Actions with code

Create and use Custom APIs

Create Custom Connectors

Create a definition for the API

Create a custom connector from scratch

Create a custom connector from an OpenAPI definition

Configure API security

Use Azure Active Directory with a custom connector

Use policy templates to modify connector behavior at runtime

Policy templates

Dynamically change custom connector values with Policy Templates

Expose Azure Functions as custom connectors

Create a Custom Connector for Azure Functions

Using custom connectors to call Azure Functions

Create custom connectors for public APIs by using Postman

Create a custom connector from a Postman collection

Use Platform APIs

Interact with data and processes by using the Dataverse Web API or the Organization Service

Use the Microsoft Dataverse Web API

Perform operations using the Web API

Implement API limit retry policies

Retry operations

Optimize for performance, concurrency, transactions, and batching

Optimistic concurrency

Transaction Currency (currency) entity

Execute batch operations using the Web API

Query the Global Discovery service to discover the URL and other information for an organization

Work with Discovery Service

Discover the URL for your organization using the Web API

Perform entity metadata operations with the Web API

Query metadata using the Web API

Perform authentication by using OAuth

Use OAuth with Microsoft Dataverse

Process Workloads

Process long-running operations by using Azure Functions

Create a long-running serverless workflow with Durable Functions

Configure scheduled and event-driven function triggers in Azure Functions

Create a function in the Azure portal that runs on a schedule

Event-driven applications with Azure Functions

Authenticate to the Power Platform by using managed identities

Use Managed Identity to authenticate your Stream Analytics job to Power BI

Develop Integrations (5-10%)

Publish and Consume Events

Publish an event by using the API

Use the Microsoft Dataverse Web API

Publish an event by using the Plug-in Registration Tool

Write and register a plug-in

Register service endpoints including webhooks, Azure Service Bus, and Azure Event Hub

Use webhooks to create external handlers for server events

Register an Azure-aware plug-in using the Plug-in Registration Tool

Work with Dataverse event data in your Azure Event Hub solution

Implement a Dataverse listener for an Azure solution

Write a listener application for an Azure solution

Write a Service Bus Event Listener that consumes Dataverse messages

Create an Azure Function that interacts with Power Platform

Using Azure Functions in Power Apps

Integrating Azure Functions and Canvas Apps

Implement Data Synchronization

Configure entity change tracking

Use change tracking to synchronize data with external systems

Read entity change records by using platform APIs

Retrieve an entity record using the Web API

Create and use alternate keys

How to define alternate keys?

Define alternate keys using the Power Apps portal

This brings us to the end of the PL-400 Microsoft Power Platform Developer Study Guide.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments section if I have missed out on anything. Also, I love to hear from you about how your preparation is going on!

In case you are preparing for other Power Platform certification exams, check out the Power Platform study guides for those exams.

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