LFCA Exam Study Guide (Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate)

LFCA Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate Exam Study Guide

How to Prepare for the LFCA Exam?

Preparing for the LFCA Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate Certificate exam? Don’t know where to start? This post is the LFCA Certificate Study Guide (with links to each exam objective).

I have curated a list of articles from the Internet for each objective of the LFCA exam. I hope this article will help you to achieve the LFCA Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate Certification. Also, please share the post within your circles so it helps them to prepare for the exam.

LFCA Certified IT Associate Exam Coupon

Coupon: Use Code SUMMER25

LFCA Linux Foundation IT Associate Course

LinkedIn Learning (Free Trial)Become a Linux System Administrator
PluralsightLinux System Administrator [Learning Path]
UdemyLinux Certification Administrator Preparation
Linux FoundationEssentials of Linux System Administration

LFCA Linux Foundation Cert. IT Associate Test

Udemy Practice TestLinux Foundation Sys Admin. Practice Test
Amazon e-book (PDF)Linux Foundation Sys Admin Practice Qs
Linux Foundation BootcampCloud Engineer Bootcamp [24 weeks]

Looking for LFCA Dumps? Read This!

Using LFCA exam dumps can get you permanently banned from taking any future certificate exams. However, I strongly suggest you validate your understanding with practice questions.

Check out all the other Linux certificate study guides

Full Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. I receive a commission when you purchase through them.

Linux Fundamentals – 20%

Linux Operating System

Introduction to Linux operating system

How to get started with the Linux operating system?

What is the Linux operating system?

Linux operating system fundamentals

File Management Commands

File management in Linux

Basic Linux file management

File Management Commands in Linux Explained

Linux commands for managing files & directories

System Commands

20 Linux commands every sysadmin should know

30 useful Linux commands for system administrators

Linux system admin commands

General Networking Commands

14 useful Linux networking commands

Linux networking commands with examples

Network configuration and troubleshooting commands in Linux

System Administration Fundamentals – 20%

System Administration Tasks

What is Linux system administration?

Linux system administration basics

System administrator responsibilities: 9 critical tasks

10 skills every Linux system administrator should have


Learn Linux networking fundamentals

Linux networking 101


A beginner’s guide to networking troubleshooting in Linux

Linux troubleshooting 101: System performance

General troubleshooting in Linux

Cloud Computing Fundamentals – 20%

Cloud Computing Fundamentals

What is cloud computing? A beginner’s guide

Cloud computing fundamentals by IBM

Fundamentals of cloud computing

Cloud computing tutorial for beginners

Performance / Availability


Serverless fundamentals

The essential guide to serverless technologies & architectures

Understanding serverless for the beginner

Cloud Costs and Budgeting

Taking control of confusing cloud costs

Cloud computing costs

Pricing on the cloud

A CFO’s roadmap to AWS cloud cost forecasting & budgeting

A guide to optimize your cloud computing budget

Security Fundamentals – 16%

Security Basics

Linux security basics

Introduction to Linux security principles

25 hardening security tips for Linux servers

7 steps to securing your Linux server

Data Security

Linux & data security: The Myths, Challenges & Solutions

Enhancing File data security in Linux Operating System

Network Security

Linux network security

Linux Security, then and now

Network security review for Linux

System Security

An article on the Linux operating system security features

DevOps Fundamentals – 16%

DevOps Basics

DevOps introduction for beginners

DevOps fundamentals course

DevOps tutorial for beginners

What is DevOps? A basic introduction


What is a container?

Containers as the foundation for DevOps collaboration

Understanding the role of containers in DevOps

Benefits & use cases of containers

Deployment Environments

What are deployment environments?

Using multiple environments to improve your development workflow

Git Concepts

Learn git concepts

Git concepts and workflow for beginners

5 key Git concepts explained the hard way

LFCA Linux administration

Amazon link (affiliate)

Supporting Applications & Developers – 8%

Software Project Management

What is software project management?

Software project management

Software Application Architecture

What is an application architecture?

How to choose the right software architecture?

Software architecture guide

Functional Analysis

Functional analysis & allocate requirements

Software for functional analysis of needs

Open-source Software and Licensing

What is open-source software?

Red Hat: Open Source Software (OSS)

How does Open Source Software work?

This brings us to the end of the LFCA Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate exam study guide.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments section if I have missed out on anything. Also, I love to hear from you about how your preparation is going on!

In case you are preparing for other Linux certification exams, check out the Linux study guides for those exams.

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