AZ-104 Exam Study Guide (Microsoft Azure Administrator)

AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Certificate Exam Study Guide

AZ-104 Preparation Details

Preparing for the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator exam? Don’t know where to start? This post is the AZ-104 Certificate Study Guide (with links to each exam objective).

I have curated a list of articles from Microsoft documentation for each objective of the AZ-104 exam. Please share the post within your circles so it helps them to prepare for the exam.

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AZ-104 Azure Administrator Practice Test

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Manage Azure Identities and Governance (15-20%)

Manage Azure AD Objects

Create users and groups

Add or Delete users using Azure AD

Create a basic group & add members using Azure AD

Manage licenses in Azure AD

Assign or remove licenses

Change license plans for users and groups

Create administrative units

Administrative units in Azure AD

Add an administrative unit

Manage user and group properties

Add or update a user’s profile information by Azure AD

Editing group information using Azure AD

Manage device settings and device identity

Managing device identities using the Azure portal

What is device identity in Azure Active Directory?

Perform bulk updates

Active Directory Bulk User Modification

Manage guest accounts

Quickstart: Adding guest users to your directory in the Azure portal

Configure self-service password reset

Using Azure AD self-service password reset

Manage Access Control

Create custom role-based access control (RBAC) and Azure AD roles

Creating Azure custom role by Azure PowerShell

Create custom roles in Azure AD role-based access control

Provide access to Azure resources by assigning roles at different scopes

Interpret access assignments

Understand Azure deny assignments

AZ-104 Exam Details and Tips

Manage Azure Subscriptions and Governance

Configure and manage Azure Policy

Create and manage policies to enforce compliance

Configure resource locks

Lock resources to prevent unexpected changes

Apply and manage tags on resources

Use tags to organize your Azure resources

[Video]: Resource Groups & Tagging

Manage resource groups

Manage Azure Resource Manager resource groups

Manage costs by using alerts, budgets, and recommendations

Create and manage Azure budgets

Azure Cost Management Overview

Monitor usage and spending with cost alerts in Cost Management

Set budgets and alerts

Reduce Azure costs with recommendations

Configure management groups

Quickstart: Create a management group

Implement and Manage Storage (15-20%)

Configure access to storage

Configure network access to storage accounts

Configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks

Create and configure storage accounts

Creating an Azure Storage account

Manage storage account access keys

Generate shared access signature tokens

Grant limited access to Azure Storage resources using SAS

Configure stored access policies

Define a stored access policy

Manage access keys

Managing storage account access keys

Configure Azure AD Authentication for a storage account

Acquire a token from Azure AD for authorizing client requests

Configure storage encryption

Azure Storage encryption for data at rest

Manage data in Azure Storage accounts

Create import and export jobs

Azure Export service to export data from Azure Blob storage

Azure Import service to import data from Azure Blob storage

Manage data by using Azure Storage Explorer and AzCopy

Get started with AzCopy

Copy or move data to Azure Storage by using AzCopy v10

Get started with Storage Explorer

Upload, download, and manage data with Azure Storage Explorer

Implement Azure Storage redundancy

Data redundancy – Azure Storage

Change how a storage account is replicated

Configure object replication

Object replication for block blobs

Configure object replication for block blobs

Azure certification Frequently Asked Questions

Configure Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage

Create an Azure file share

Creating an Azure file share

Configure Azure blob storage

Quickstart: Upload, download & list blobs with the Azure portal

Configure storage tiers

Azure Blob storage: hot, cool & archive access tiers

Configure blob lifecycle management

Azure Blob Storage lifecycle management is Generally Available

Azure Blob Storage lifecycle management

AZ-104 Microsoft Azure administrator Exam Reference

Amazon link (affiliate)

Deploy and Manage Azure Compute Resources (20-25%)

Automate deployment of resources by using templates

Modify an ARM template

Updating a resource in an ARM template

Deploy a template

Create a Windows VM from an ARM template

Save a deployment as an ARM template

Downloading template for a VM

Deploy virtual machine (VM) extensions

Deploy virtual machine extensions with ARM templates

Create and configure VMs

Create a VM

Create a Windows VM in the Azure portal

Manage images by using the Azure Compute Gallery

Overview of Azure Compute Gallery

Share VM images in a compute gallery

Configure Azure Disk Encryption

Quickstart: Create & encrypt a Windows VM with the Azure portal

Move VMs from one resource group to another

Moving Windows VMs between resource groups or subscriptions

Manage VM sizes

Sizes for virtual machines in Azure

Add data disks

Attach a data disk to a Windows VM with PowerShell

Configure VM network settings

Virtual networks and virtual machines in Azure

Configure VM availability options

Create & deploy highly available VMs by Azure PowerShell

Azure High Availability (Availability Zone) Demo for VM

Deploy and configure scale sets

Quickstart: Create a VM scale set in the Azure portal

Create and Configure Containers

Configure sizing and scaling for Azure Container Instances

Container image sizes

Autoscaling Azure Container Instances

Configure container groups for Azure Container Instances

Container groups in ACI

Create and configure Azure Container Apps

Deploy your first container app using the Azure portal

Configure storage for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Storage options for applications in AKS

Configure scaling for AKS

Scaling options for applications in AKS

Scale the node count in an AKS cluster

Scale applications in AKS

Configure network connections for AKS

Network concepts for applications in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Use kubenet networking in AKS

Upgrade an AKS cluster

Upgrade an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

Create and Configure Azure App Service

Create an App Service Plan

Manage an App Service plan in Azure

Configure scaling settings in an App Service plan

Scale up an app in Azure App Service

Create an App Service

Quickstart: Create an ASP.NET Core web app in Azure

Secure an App Service

Security in Azure App Service

Configure custom domain names

Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service

Configure backup for an App Service

Back up your app in Azure

Configure backup for your Azure App Service

Configure networking settings

Integrate your app with an Azure VNet

Set up App Service access restrictions

Configure deployment settings

Continuous deployment to App Service

Git deployment to App Service

Configure and Manage Virtual Networking (25-30%)

Configure Virtual Networks

Create and configure virtual networks and subnets

Create a virtual network

Add, change, or delete a subnet

Create and configure virtual network peering

Azure VNET Peering Demo

Configure private and public IP addresses

Managing public IP addresses

Configure a private IP address for a VM using the Azure portal

Configure user-defined network routes

Route network traffic with a Route table using the Azure portal

Configure Azure DNS

Quickstart: Create an Azure DNS Zone & a Record with the Azure portal

Quickstart: Create an Azure private DNS zone in the Azure portal

Use Azure DNS to provide custom domain settings

Configure Secure Access to Virtual Networks

Create and configure network security groups (NSGs) and application security groups (ASGs)

Create, change, or delete an Azure network security group

Azure application security groups overview

Evaluate effective security rules

View effective security rules

Effective security rules – Azure Network Watcher

Implement Azure Bastion

Create an Azure Bastion host using the portal

Configure service endpoints

Azure virtual network service endpoints

Restrict access to PaaS resources with service endpoints

Configure private endpoints

What is a private endpoint?

Create a private endpoint

Configure Load Balancing

Configure Application Gateway

Direct web traffic with Azure Application Gateway using Azure PowerShell

Configure an internal or public load balancer

Create an internal load balancer

Create a public load balancer

Troubleshoot load balancing

Troubleshooting Azure Load Balancer

Monitor Virtual Networking

Monitor on-premises connectivity

Monitoring On-Premise AD via Azure AD Connect Health

Configure and use Azure Monitor for Networks

Azure Monitor Network Insights

Use Azure Network Watcher

Create an Azure Network Watcher instance

Troubleshoot external networking

Troubleshooting: An Azure site-to-site VPN connection issues

Troubleshoot virtual network connectivity

Diagnose communication problems using the Azure portal

Monitor and Maintain Azure Resources (10-15%)

Monitor Resources by Using Azure Monitor

Configure and interpret metrics

Metrics in Azure Monitor

Configure Azure Monitor logs

Azure Monitor Logs overview

Query and analyze logs

Get started with log queries in Azure Monitor

Save queries

Overview of log queries in Azure Monitor

Set up alerts and actions

Create, view & manage metric alerts using Azure Monitor

Configure monitoring of VMs, storage accounts, and networks by using VM insights

Enable VM insights overview

Chart performance with VM insights

Implement Backup and Recovery

Create an Azure Recovery Services vault

Create and configure a Recovery Services vault

Create an Azure Backup vault

Overview of Backup Vaults

Create and configure a backup policy

Apply a backup policy

Perform backup and restore operations by using Azure Backup

Back up a virtual machine in Azure

How to restore Azure VM data in the Azure portal

Configure Azure Site Recovery for Azure resources

Set up Azure VM disaster recovery with Azure Site Recovery

Perform failover to a secondary region by using Azure Site Recovery

Failover Azure VMs to a secondary region for disaster recovery

Configure and review backup reports

Configure Azure Backup reports

This brings us to the end of the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Study Guide.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments section if I have missed out on anything. Also, I love to hear from you about how your preparation is going on!

In case you are preparing for other Azure certification exams, check out the Azure study guide for those exams.

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