CFCD Exam Study Guide (Cloud Foundry Certified Developer)

CFCD Study Guide

How to Prepare for the CFCD Exam?

Preparing for the CFCD Cloud Foundry Certified Developer exam? Don’t know where to start? This post is the CFCD Certificate Study Guide (with links to each exam objective).

I have curated a list of articles from the Internet for each objective of the CFCD exam. I hope this article will help you to achieve the CFCD Cloud Foundry Certified Developer Certification. Also, please share the post within your circles so it helps them to prepare for the exam.

CFCD Cloud Foundry Developer Exam Coupon

Coupon: Use Code SUMMER25

CFCD Cloud Foundry Developer Course

Pluralsight (Free trial)Cloud Foundry for Developers
Linux FoundationDeveloping with Cloud Foundry

CFCD Cloud Foundry Learning Material

UdemyCloud Foundry for Developers
Amazon e-book (PDF)Deploy & orchestrate cloud-native apps

Looking for CFCD Dumps? Read This!

Using CFCD exam dumps can get you permanently banned from taking any future certificate exams. However, I strongly suggest you validate your understanding with practice questions.

Check out all the other DevOps certificate study guides

Full Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. I receive a commission when you purchase through them.

Application Lifecycle


Buildpacks in Cloud Foundry

How do buildpacks work?

Creating custom buildpacks

Cloud Foundry buildpack for running Java applications

Buildpack sources (system, Git)

Cloud Foundry buildpack for the Python Language


Changing stacks

Adding a custom stack

Health checks

Using app health checks

Configure Load Balancer health checks for Cloud Foundry routers

Health check in Cloud Foundry

Buildpack release notes

Releasing a new Buildpack version

Environment Variables

Cloud Foundry environment variables

Environment variables

Set environment variable


Running tasks in Cloud Foundry

Run task Cloud Foundry CLI reference guide

How to use Cloud Foundry tasks?

Application Management

CF push

Pushing an app | Cloud Foundry

CF Push

CF start/stop/restart/restage

Starting your app

Restarting your app

Restaging apps

Stopping and deleting apps

CF delete

Deleting apps

CF app

Cloud Foundry app: Display health & status of the app

Scaling (horizontal/vertical)

Scaling an app using cf scale

Scaling cloud controller

Vertical & horizontal scaling

Application manifests

Deploying with app manifests

App Manifest attribute reference

Configure multiple apps with a single manifest

Deploy with application manifests

CFCD Cloud Foundry certification

Amazon link (affiliate)



Installing the cf CLI

Getting started with the cf CLI

CLI plugins

Developing cf CLI plugins

Using cf CLI plugins

CF CLI plugins


App logging in Cloud Foundry

Overview of logging and metrics

Stream app logs to Log Management Services


Cloud Foundry CLI plugin to manage multiple targets

How to set cloud foundry target?

CF help

Help – Cloud Foundry CLI reference guide

Orgs & spaces

Cloud Foundry Orgs

Cloud Foundry spaces

Planning Cloud Foundry Orgs and Spaces

Creating Orgs and spaces

CF curl

curl – Cloud Foundry CLI reference guide

Authenticate & run CF API commands using curl

Platform Security

Roles & Permissions

User roles

User roles and permissions

About roles in the Cloud Foundry environment

Managing user roles

Manage user permissions to organizations and spaces

Application security groups

App security groups

Application Security Groups


Route management

Configuring routes and domains

Route services

Inter-application communication

Container-to-container networking

Cloud foundry inter-app communication

Cloud Foundry networking


Service brokers

Managing Service Brokers

Example Service Brokers

Service Brokers

Overview of service brokers

Managed services

Cloud Foundry Managed Services

Service instance lifecycle & use

Managing Service Instances with the cf CLI

App container lifecycle


User-provided service instances

User-provided service instances (UPSI)

Sharing service instances

Share service instances

Enabling service instance sharing

Service-instance sharing

Space scoped brokers

Register a space scoped broker

Overview of broker


Cloud Foundry environment variable: VCAP_APPLICATION

Obtain VCAP_APPLICATION’s application_name value


Cloud Foundry environment variable: VCAP_SERVICES

View VCAP_SERVICES environment variable

Service keys

Managing service keys

List keys for a service instance



Troubleshooting guide on configuring CF SSH

Access apps with SSH

Accessing services with SSH

Route confusion

Configuring routes and domains

Using CF Route services to publish, secure & monitor APIs

Out of memory

Out of memory error when pushing to Cloud Foundry

Understand out-of-memory errors in crashed apps

Java application gets Out-of-Memory

Chasing Cloud Foundry Out-of-Memory errors


Tracing Cloud Controller REST API calls

CF_TRACE option does not trigger wss traffic traces

Troubleshoot SVC connection

Troubleshoot slow requests in Cloud Foundry

Route collision

Route collisions

This brings us to the end of the CFCD Cloud Foundry Certified Developer study guide.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments section if I have missed out on anything. Also, I love to hear from you about how your preparation is going on!

In case you are preparing for other DevOps certification exams, check out the DevOps study guides for those exams.

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