How to Prepare for the OpenTelemetry Certified Associate (OTCA) Exam?
Preparing for the OpenTelemetry Certified Associate (OTCA) certification exam? Don’t know where to start? This post is the OpenTelemetry Certified Associate Study Guide (with links to each exam objective).
I have curated a list of articles from the Internet for each objective of the OpenTelemetry Certified Associate (OTCA) exam. I hope this article will help you achieve the OpenTelemetry Certified Associate (OTCA) Certification. Also, please share the post within your circles so it helps them to prepare for the exam.
OpenTelemetry Certified Associate Exam Coupon
OpenTelemetry Certified Associate Material
Fundamentals of Observability 18%
Telemetry Data
What is OpenTelemetry? | OpenTelemetry
Semantic Conventions
Semantic Conventions | OpenTelemetry
OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions
@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions – npm
Instrumentation | OpenTelemetry
@opentelemetry/instrumentation – npm
opentelemetry-instrumentation · PyPI
Analysis and Outcomes
Insights from the OpenTelemetry Collector Survey
What is OpenTelemetry? An open standard for metrics, logs, traces
The OpenTelemetry API and SDK 46%
Data Model
Metrics Data Model | OpenTelemetry
Logs Data Model | OpenTelemetry
Composability and Extension
So how long before we have true composable enterprises?
What do composability and observability have to do with each other?
Configuration and settings | OpenTelemetry
Signals (Tracing, Metric, Log)
SDK Pipelines
Context Propagation
Context propagation | OpenTelemetry
An Overview of Context Propagation in OpenTelemetry | SigNoz
The OpenTelemetry Collector 26%
Collector configuration best practices
Install the Collector | OpenTelemetry
Scaling the Collector | OpenTelemetry
AWS & OpenTelemetry: Collector architecture at scale
Transforming Data
Transforming telemetry | OpenTelemetry
Transforming traces into metrics with OpenTelemetry
Maintaining and Debugging Observability Pipelines 10%
Context Propagation
Context Propagation makes OpenTelemetry awesome
Context Propagation in OpenTelemetry
Debugging Pipelines
Troubleshooting | OpenTelemetry
Error Handling
Error handling in OpenTelemetry | OpenTelemetry
OpenTelemetry exceptions and error handling
Schema Management
Telemetry Schemas | OpenTelemetry
Schema File Format | OpenTelemetry
This brings us to the end of the OpenTelemetry Certified Associate (OTCA) study guide.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments section if I have missed out on anything. Also, I love to hear from you about how your preparation is going on!
In case you are preparing for other certification exams, check out the certificate study guides for those exams.
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