HFCP Exam Study Guide (Hyperledger Fabric Certified Practitioner)


HFCP Preparation Details

Preparing for the HFCP Hyperledger Fabric Certified Practitioner exam? Don’t know where to start? This post is the HFCP Certificate Study Guide (with links to each exam objective).

I have curated a list of articles from the Internet for each objective of the HFCP exam. I hope this article will help you to achieve the HFCP Hyperledger Fabric Certified Practitioner. Also, please share the post within your circles so it helps them to prepare for the exam.

HFCP Hyperledger Certified Exam Coupon

Coupon: Use Code SUMMER25

HFCP Cert. Hyperledger Course

Pluralsight (Free trial)Building Blockchains with Hyperledger
UdemyHyperledger Fabric – First Practical Blockchain

HFCP Certified Hyperledger Practice Test

UdemyCert. Hyperledger Fabric Developer
Amazon e-book (PDF)Blockchain with Hyperledger Fabric

Fundamentals of Blockchain 16%

Distributed Ledgers

Distributed Ledgers: Definition, How They’re Used, and Potential

What is Hyperledger?

Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts and Chaincode

Deploying a smart contract to a channel


Hyperledger Fabric Consensus Mechanisms

Consensus Algorithms in Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric Model

Hyperledger Fabric Model

Hyperledger Fabric

Business Benefits

Industry use cases

6 technical advantages of Hyperledger Fabric for blockchain networks

Hyperledger Fabric Networks 36 %

Network Structure

How are Fabric networks structured?

Designing a Hyperledger Fabric Network

Transaction Flow

Transaction Flow

Transaction Flow in Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric Transaction flow

Ordering Service

The Ordering Service

The Ordering Service – Hyperledger

Peers and World State Storage

Peers – Hyperledger

World State database options

Data storage formats

Network Creation

Building Your First Network

Setting Up A Hyperledger Fabric Network From Scratch

Membership Service Providers

Membership Service Providers (MSP)

Membership Service Providers (MSP) in Hyperledger

Maintenance and Operation

The Operations Service

Fabric Operations Console

Channel-related Operations


Create a Hyperledger Fabric Channel

Design and Deployment of Production Networks

Deploying a production network

Deploying a Fabric Production network

Smart Contracts 24%

Design and Implementation

Smart Contracts and Chaincode

Building Hyperledger Fabric Smart Contracts

Chaincode Lifecycle

Fabric chaincode lifecycle

Chaincode Lifecycle on Hyperledger Fabric

Reading and Modifying the Ledger State

How to Verify Prior Ledger States?

What happens if we manually edit the ledger?

Executing Queries on the Ledger

Using Queries and Filters with Business Network Data

Private Data and Private Data Collections

Private data

Private Data Collections: A High-Level Overview

State-based Endorsement Policies

Endorsement policies

Understanding Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger fabric -Endorsement policies at Chaincode and State level

Client Applications 24%

Gateway Model

Fabric Gateway

Peer Gateway Service

Fabric Gateway

Smart Contract Invocation

Smart Contract Invocation – Hands-On Smart Contract Development

Chaincode and Block Eventing

What is Chaincode?

Peer channel-based event services

Offline Signing

Working with an offline private key

This brings us to the end of the HFCP Hyperledger Fabric Certified Practitioner study guide.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments section if I have missed out on anything. Also, I love to hear from you about how your preparation is going on!

In case you are preparing for other Blockchain certification exams, check out the Blockchain certificate study guides for those exams.

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